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LDS/Mormon Faith Crisis

Has Your Solid Faith Foundation Turned Crumbly?

What you once were sure was a house built upon the rock may suddenly feel like a house built upon the sand.  You might find yourself in the unsettling position of questioning what once felt certain—your faith, your purpose, your very identity. It’s as if the ground beneath you has shifted, leaving you feeling isolated and uncertain. Sharing these issues with loved ones can be difficult and feel overwhelming, you worry about feeling unheard, feeling dismissed, being looked down upon, hurting your relationships, and losing relationships.

A Mormon faith crisis or transition can feel like an unrelenting storm, shaking the very core of your beliefs. Wrestling with conflicting emotions, you seek answers only to find them slipping further from your grasp, leaving you adrift in a sea of confusion.

This journey is laden with challenges, impacting not just your spiritual well-being, but also your sense of belonging within your community, your close relationships, and potentially your professional work. As uncertainty consumes you, you may feel isolated and unsure where to turn.

Despite your efforts to quiet your doubts, they persist, growing stronger each day. Each attempt to suppress them seems to reinforce their hold, trapping you in a cycle of uncertainty and anxiety.

In times like these, therapy offers a sanctuary - a space to explore, heal, and rediscover your sense of self and purpose. Together, we can navigate these uncertainties, helping you reclaim your identity and find peace. Therapy isn’t about whether or not you should affiliate with or believe in the LDS church, but about empowering you to make decisions with confidence and clarity, guiding you towards a life filled with purpose and authenticity.

Contemplative man

What is a Faith Crisis?

Faith crisis refers to a deeply personal experience characterized by a period of intense questioning, doubt, and uncertainty regarding your religious or spiritual beliefs. It is frequently accompanied by significant emotional distress such as disorientation and inner turmoil. Typically, a Mormon faith crisis challenges your very identity, purpose, worldviews, and trust in religion and your religious leaders.

As part of your faith crisis, you might also go through a faith transition, which is the re-evaluation of religious beliefs, often leading to a change or evolution of your faith identity. Everyone's journey is distinct; some leave Mormonism, while others adapt their beliefs. This transition can impact your sense of purpose, emotional well-being, and social relationships.

Mormon Faith Crisis Symptoms

Mormon Faith crises and faith transitions impact individuals emotionally and socially. Among the most common emotional struggles you might face are:


Facing these emotions can be overwhelming, and it's essential to understand that healing is a process that takes time. Beyond the emotional challenges, your faith crisis may also introduce social difficulties. You might face ostracization from family or friends, experience jeopardized job opportunities, or navigate strained relationships with partners and children. The social implications of a faith crisis or transition are profound and largely hinge on your unique circumstances.


While your Mormon faith crisis journey can feel daunting, especially as you work to unlearn deeply ingrained beliefs, it's encouraging to know that the vast majority of people, in the end, find a renewed sense of purpose, joy, and freedom, enhanced by newfound confidence and authenticity.


If you want to learn more about people's experiences with faith crises consider the following resources. Some are specific to Mormonism, while others are not:


How Can Faith Crisis Therapy Help?

  1. Gain Clarity: By exploring your beliefs and difficulties in a safe and non-judgmental atmosphere, you will be able to engage in genuine introspection and reflection. By so doing, you will gain clarity on your beliefs and values, paving the way for a more authentic life.

  2. Be Confident in Your Relationships: Whether you are worried about communicating with loved ones, setting boundaries, or addressing workplace challenges, we work together to help you become confident and authentic in your relationships.

  3. Heal from Religious Trauma: For many, a faith crisis can be accompanied by religious trauma. Through evidence-based therapeutic techniques, we'll address your emotional wounds and harmful beliefs, fostering healing and resilience.

  4. Cultivate a Balanced Perspective: We'll work through black-and-white thinking so you can learn to embrace nuance in your life. We'll challenge perfectionism and self-doubt to help you approach your life with greater self-compassion and authenticity.

  5. Live by Your Values: Ultimately, therapy empowers you to make decisions aligned with your true self and values. Whether it's navigating questions of belief, participation in religious practices, or exploring alternative spiritual paths, I provide support and guidance as you navigate your unique faith crisis.

As a secular psychologist specializing in counseling individuals through Mormon faith crises and transitions, I recognize the unique challenges and complexities you may be facing - challenges I have faced and worked through myself. Therapy isn't only about addressing your immediate crisis; it's about providing you with the tools and support to navigate this transformative journey towards a more authentic and fulfilling life long-term. As a secular therapist, I will neither push you toward religion nor pull you away from it. This journey is your own, and I will empower you to make your own choices. 

Remember, seeking therapy isn't a sign of weakness; it's a courageous step towards reclaiming agency and finding peace amidst uncertainty. If you're ready to embark on this journey of self-discovery and healing, I'm here to provide compassionate support every step of the way. Together, we can navigate the various stages of a faith crisis and the complexities of Mormon culture, to empower you to live authentically and meaningfully.


If you want to begin your healing journey, call/text 385-200-0204, email, or schedule a free 15 minute consult.


I can work with clients in over 40 PSYPACT participating states

Spiritual crisis counseling; counseling for spiritual doubts; religious loss therapy; religious trauma therapy; thrive

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